Thursday 28 September 2017

CASE STUDY- Representation

Lyrics of Meghan Trainor's ' Dear Future Husband'

(Not full lyrics)

Dear future husband
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be ---> This shows that she is in control as if you don't have what 
 she needs then you 'FAIL', this is shown in the music video

You got that 9 to 5    --->shows that they both have equal rights but this contradicts with the first  stanza. This also contradicts in the music video. She seems to be cleaning the floor so this shows that she is the stereotypical housewife.     
But, baby, so do I            

So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies   --> This shows that she is not the stereotypical 'housewife', who cooks and cleans. This has a big contrast with what she has said in the starting of the paragraph.
I never learned to cook  
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night --> The word 'beautiful' could connote the stereotypical women as they always care about how they look. The words 'Tell me', they are imperative, this also repeats the message of if you tell me this you will get something in return.
After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong     --->  This shows her power in the relationship. 
You know I'm never wrong 
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?
Open doors for me and you might get some kisses --->  This portrays her power. In other words she is saying that if you this for me you 'might' get something in return, and if you don't then you have 'FAILED'

Buy me a ring --> The stereotypical women is shown.
Buy-buy me a ring, babe

If you wanna get that special loving --> The same message is repeated here. If you do this you will  get this.
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night   
Future husband, better love me right --> This almost sounds like a threat.

From the clothes Meghan Trainor is wear we can tell that it is set in around the 50s, she adds a little twist to it by wearing leather. At 2:01 in the music video, Meghan Trainor is portraying the stereotypical men , masculinity. In other words she is saying if you cant cook, isn't strong then you 'FAIL'. However this contrasts with who she chooses in the end as this person doesn't look physically strong, but brings in pizza. At 0:50 to 0:53, panning shot was used, which makes the audience go on the journey with Meghan.

Friday 22 September 2017


What I like about this is that I was able to edit this video, by exploring 'imovie'. By using a video i took then connecting  it with pictures i took i was able to make my video about me.I got both my video and pictures from my phone , i uploaded it to imovie to edit it to make my video. What i found difficult, was trying to look for a background music as i had to adjust it and overlap it to make it fit the full 58 seconds.I also found it difficult to upload the image on to the blog so i had to use youtube to upload it onto the blog.

Tuesday 12 September 2017


Women used to not get the same rights as men. They would be seen as weak and unable to do things for themselves. Women were really powerless against men, especially in marriage. when divorced men benefited to the fact that they could keep their ex wife's property.Only then in August 20th 1920, women was finally allowed to vote and have a say in things. Later on in 1940 was the women's rights. Women who joined the army did not get permanent status, however President Truman signed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act in 1948 which meant that women was able to get the same rights on the field as men. Now in the 21st century women is able to get the same rights as men.Women has also acceded to be the mayor or the president of a city. This has shown that women has come from a long way as they did not get equally paid as the men even though they have done the same work.

Here is a video of how women are at disadvantage due to gender inequality.

Girls and boys are now following the stereotypical view of the fact that girls wear pink and boys wear blue. At a young age children are learning the stereotypical of ways of image. The video below shows an experiment someone done on children. They believe that the children will answer in stereotypical ways.
From this video we can tell that the children are fed information from the media. That this is how men and women should look like. Women with dresses and men with muscle, the stereotypical way of life. and this shows that the children will grow up this exception of this how you should be. 

In another experiment it shows a man wants to see how it is to be a woman. The women he turns out to be the stereotypical women that wears a dress and goes clubbing. And towards the end she is that women take a long time in the toilet but that is just a stereotype.  
From these experiments we know how stereotypical view men and women are shown an d how effective it is to the society, especially young children who will grow up and be the stereotypical men and women. We can also tell that everything is due to society and their view of things, children will follow the society's view only to be in society and not be an outsider of society.


History of Vogue  1892              Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US.  The price was 10 cents.  The meani...