Monday 29 January 2018


Modern + Industry

  •  Modern industry 
  • Large Profits 
  • Audience Changes 
  • Technological Changes 
  • Narratives + Structure
  • Franchise + Spinoff
Marketing + Distribution 

This is a picture of Coke's marketing they have personalize their bottles with their target audience  name this furthermore helps their distribution.

Regulation: PEGI
- Competition
- audience response 
 Audience Appeal
  • platform 
  • sport
  • action 
  • text adventure
  • stimulation 
  • combat
  • strategy
  • sci-fi
  • fantasy 
  • survival horror
  • puzzle
  • excerise
  • racing 
  • RPG
  •  lifestyle
 - Avator
-Auguemented reality = bringing game to life
Like the Disney's game.
 marketing/ auvator


bandula = transgression behavior

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Front cover Islamicphobia

Due to the fact that The Sun is a right wing, it makes them against equal rights, which means that they are against Islam due to the stereotypical view of them. It shows lists of things that should be banned. The lists includes Islam not being able to wear their religious veils in school, courts and hospitals. The fact that this is a ban suggests that they are discriminating muslims. What has shocked me about the first point is the fact that they shouldn't be allowed to wear this in the "hospitals", in my point of view this is outrageous because what if there is a family member that it hurt and what must be told that cannot wear the veil. This is a religious gourmnet, and the fact that they aren't allowed to wear this is very disrespectful. The point that follows says that they cannot wear this in "airport, banks and secure areas" due to the stereotypical view of Islam, they think that all Islam people are like this. Point 3 furthermore discriminates them, as this makes them not be able to work, due to the fact that of their stereotypical view of Islam. However, they can wear them in the "streets and parks" they suddenly make a statement that they could wear it on the street, what could this mean? As they were against them wearing it nearly everywhere but the streets and parks are okay. In this front cover there is a standalone where there are two stories at which the audience can look at. The fact that they have put the story of the 13 people dead in the standalone which seems quite important to put on front cover as a whole story but, they are against all muslims even though they are not all like this this just a stereotypical view of them they don't show the other side of Islam the side that helps people. As this is a negative topic there is more audience that are interested in this which would furthermore intrigue them. As this is a right wing tabloid this could mean that the audience is people who are against the Islam, likes Trumps.

Daily Mirror

This front cover is very effective due to the fact that The Statue Of Liberty is covering her face and the background is dark and grey which could connote the destruction of trump. The fact that The Statue Of Liberty is covering her face is very effective due to the fact that it is a very popular monument in the USA, and the fact that mirror has chosen The Statue Of Liberty could connote that since Trump has come there is no 'Liberty' there is no freedom now that he is here, therefore indicating that the city has become a disaster. The fact that it doesn't have much words on there means it is a tabloid, and the picture alone tells a message which would mean there is no need to have words there. However the rhetorical question ' What have they done?' could be asking the ones who voted for Trump and the Government, this is a simple question, which gets out the message quick.  At the bottom of that, there is direct address which means  they are directing it to the reader making them feel involved  and then making them think of how the world is going to end due to the fact that trump has "triumphed" the writer is almost saying that he has "triumphed" the world indicating that it is going to be destroyed due to the this fact. As this is a direct address this makes them intrigued in this, furthermore it makes them think that not only will Trump destroy USA he will destroy 'the world'. This may be due to the fact that he is seen to be a bad leader. There is a jump page where is tells you something important and gives you jump pages so you can see the important news. Due to the fact that this is a negative view this furthermore intrigues the reader in buying and reading this as this has interested them. It is the fact that they've used the word "killed" which makes the reader feel more sympathetic towards this and due to the fact that it is a negative news it makes them want to read it more. The fact that the statue of liberty is lighter compared to the background, it shows how pure the statue of liberty is, and this could connote how Trump and has destroyed the purest. As the daily mirror is against Trump we can tell that they are left wing, they are more into the free rights, this could furthermore link to the fact that they have used the statue of liberty. It also shows how daily Mirror is on the readers' side, making them think they have some one with the same opinions, and what they think is right. The Daily Mirror was originally owned by Alfred Harmsworth, he said that this was a newspaper for women, which was also run by women. This shows how equal he is on equal rights. This furthermore shows how left wing they are. And now the editor of this is Lloyd Embley. 

Friday 12 January 2018

Front cover analysis

On the left you can see that there is a standalone this is when there is a tabloid that is a separate to the other story, there is two stories in the front cover. The headline is very short and snappy which catches audiences' eyes especially the noun "BLOOD" which catches the audience attention furthermore due to the fact that it is negativity, and mostly things that are published on the media is negativity. And we as the audience associate "BLOOD" with bad things this therefore makes the audience engage in the newspaper therefore making them buy it, which is the purpose of this. The subheading including the noun "killer" which furthermore makes this a negative tabloid which moreover makes the audience intrigue in this tabloid which achieves The Sun's purpose. In the right at the bottom there is a strap-line which includes more information about the headline and more information about the subheading. At the top there is a puff/plug which includes a deal which can link to parent audiences because it is lego land which is for children audience, this is a offer which makes the parent audience want this offer, there is a jump line which makes them to go to this page number and in this case the page number is "TOKEN: SEE PAGE 26" this intrigues them furthermore due to the fact that they will get this deal this additionally adds to the purpose of the target audience to get this newspaper. This is a right wing newspaper, which is less democratic than left wing which is more democratic and is more into what more of what social people are at and in for . The size of this story must be big due to the fact it is on the front page however it is not that big enough because it has two different stories on the front page. Other than that it is directed towards older people due to the fact that it is directed towards politics and older people are stereotypically interested into politics. 

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Magazine Front Cover

This magazine cover seems to be blacked  out and this therefore makes us focus on the close up of Theresa May's face, the fact that the image is whiter than the background image. The text is also white so against the black background it makes the audience bring their attention to this. And the fact that the "IS" is in red and not white like the others highlights the importance of this, it also emphasis on the "IS". Reading all of it together and putting the emphasis on the "IS" it sounds like they are making fun of her decision almost like has gone against her own word. The lighting seems like it taken from the right hand side, giving the left side of her face a shadow.  The writing at the top almost seems they are criticzing her, like she is yet again going back on her word. By using two time words "time" and "again" shows how long it has taken and this could be saying she takes her time and they are tired of her and that she changes her opinion a lot, this therefore takes time.


History of Vogue  1892              Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US.  The price was 10 cents.  The meani...