Friday 3 May 2019


History of Vogue 

  • 1892             
Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US. 

The price was 10 cents. 

The meaning behind the making of the magazine was "ceremonial side of life" mostly aiming for young women in the higher society. The New York upper class.

  • 1905
Conde Nast turned the magazine into a unisex magazine. 

It was soon shifted to be a women's magazine. 

They targeted the upper class and included weddings. 

After the first war vogue began to print in England. 

  • 1920
They published their first colour magazine in 1932. The photograph was a woman swimmer holding a beach ball. 

Nast introduced the two-paged spread and colour printing.

After his death Diana Vreeland took over and turned vogue into a magazine that appealed to the youth (sexual revolution).

Focused more on fashion and sexuality.

Vogue became a monthly publication and their response change to life style of the reader.

Target audience: free, working and liberated woman in the 70s.

The magazine changed to having texts with interviews and health issues.

  • 1988

Tuesday 12 February 2019



Technical Codes:

The main image is the statue of Liberty with her hand over her face. This gesture code from Barthes' theory could indicate that Trump is bad and has made the symbol for peace and freedom cover her face. Furthermore indicating how peace and freedom is being put under threat. This could also link to Levi's theory as the binary opposite is that Trump is the symbol of destruction whereas the Statue of Liberty is the symbol of peace and freedom. The headline is "IT'S PRESIDENT TRUMP..." the ellipsis could connote how there is something more, which creates suspense. Then the image shown show how the President Trump has effected the people and the world. The colour of the sky is black which connote how he has made the world go bad. The rhetorical question "What have they done?"  could reflect on the statue's gesture. And the line underneath "How Trump triumphed....and what it means for you and the world" this direct address make the audience feel more involved in this subject matter as well as the fact that the hyperbole "and the world" including the world could furthermore evoke how Trump has destroyed the world.  The threshold of this is the fact that the new president is Trump and this could cause destruction to the world, hence this is very important mostly for the people in America however this is a very big news as this is something that everyone is upset about.    

The Times



  • First published in 1785 
  • The Times published by Times Newspapers since 1981
  • A subsidiary of News UK- owned by Rupert Murdoch 

Technical Codes:

Unlike the previous magazine which is against Trump, this is for Trump. "The New World" could contrast with Mirror's magazine cover as they say that it is the end of the world. Placing this text on Donald Trump connotes how he is the new world. By giving a quote from Trump "You will be so proud of your president you will be so proud" the fact that they have put last repeated line in yellow brings emphasis on the "you will be so proud". The direct address makes the audience feel more connected with the magazine as they feel like they are talking to the audience. Almost like you need to accept this. There are bold colours used to bring in the viewer. This image goes across the front and back page. The victory is furthermore shown in the backdrop of the American flag. An other way that victory is shown is the gesture of both the Vice President and Trump with the clap and fist. Having Trump in the foreground and the Vice president in the background could evoke the Donald Trump is more important. Barthes semiotics, conveys the American iconography as there is a back drop of the American flag in the background creating a cultural significance for the viewer enabling them to make an choice of their own on how to think of this. Within Levi- Struass theory could evoke that the headline "The new world" creates questions to the audience about Trump being a president. This is furthermore shown with the subheading "Donald Trump sends shockwaves around the globe". The gesture of Donald Trump clutching his fist in victory could reflect how he is determined.

Tabloid- Bigger spaces between each columns. More pictures
Broadsheet- More writing. Very serious.

Ownership :
The person who owns both The Sun and The Times is Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. He was part of the Fox. Curran and Seaton suggested that companies are driven by power and money. By having a conglomerate  company having subsidiary company gaining power and money. By having this, it means that media ownership structures are changing because the opening companies will have no chance of surviving as most of the subsidiary are owned by a conglomerate.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Statement And Aims

Statement And Aims

For my media production, I have chosen Brief 2, which includes making a cross media production for a new artist or band in a genre (genre/hybrid), for an independent record label, I have chosen Independiente. I have chosen this independent record label as they do various genres, this links to how Music Marketing is looking for the target audience to be 16-35 year olds. The music that I will be doing a music video for is Warm Foothills from Alt J. This band has a range of genres, this includes: experimental rock, indie electronic, folktronica, indie rock, indie pop and art rock. The music is a very calm and relaxing music which contrasts the stereotypical view of a rock music.  In my opinion, I believe that this music has the theme of nostalgic, which I would like to incorporate into my music video when editing. My narrative of my music video is going to be based on story of a tedding bear, the teddy bear is blue which indicates the calmness of this music video as well as the music. Because some music doesn’t include the artists in their music video this could raise curiosity towards the audience as who is singing this, hence pushing them into researching the band’s name and who they are. The teddy bear is going on a journey which evokes the feeling of how the band has had a journey to come to where they are now, also the journey towards the future. In the music video, I will have a range of camera shots including close shots and long shots. In the video, I will have video of nature to connote the calmness imagery.

In my magazine, I will be including the band’s face as a group and then individual writing of information about themselves. Along with the background of the artists, how they got together. I will be promoting the music video by including some snap shots of the music video as a little sneak peek. In the magazine, I will also be including the meaning behind the music video why I have done it like this. The front cover of the magazine will have the poster of the music album there along with other aspects of the magazine, like price and page numbers, I will also include a plug of a voucher to intrigue the viewer to look at the magazine. Also on the front cover I will include “see pages” to intrigue the viewer, to go to see their information and listen to their upcoming songs. In the magazine, I will insert a section where there is information on where you can buy the album and how much it will cost. There will also be a section where there will be information of what they will be doing in the future, their future journey that they would like to do.  And social media aspects where people could follow on Instagram and other social media platform, for marketing purposes.


Episode 1 - Season 1

The first 15 minutes of Luther. It starts off with a long shot of a dark mysterious building. With a dark glomming noise in the background, giving off a suspenseful atmosphere. The background music then speeds up as the action takes place, when the audience gets the feeling that this person is getting chased. With the dark lighting and fast paced music it brings into the genre of action. The audience is then introduced to the mysterious person who we do not see the face of, this therefore makes the audience feel intrigued due to the fact that they would want to find out who is chasing this person. There is quick transitions between each frames, connoting the quick pace. The quick pace could also connote how the characters are under pressure, making the audience feel the pressure hence making them feel on edge. The audience gets a close up of the person who is running away, as he gets trapped and is unable to escape from the mysterious figure chasing him. This close up shows the audience the fear on his face and the desperation of trying to get away. The first thing the audience sees the identity of the mysterious person, is the eyes. The close up of the eyes shows the intensity, that is given off. The fact that the main character is a black male, breaks the stereotypical crimes. There is then a shot where the two people are confronted.

Music Videos

Young the Giant: Cough Syrup

In my opinion I think this is more of a rock genre. The music starts off with an underwater scene, where a person is playing the guitar, the audience gets the perspective of being under the water. Throughout the music video we see the band at an indoor swimming pool, having being surrounded to water, could link to the title as 'syrup', watery. The director, firstly introduces the audience to everything, the tank full of water, the stereos filled with glitter. Everything that is introduced the audience at first is not destroyed, or empty. It then slowly as the music goes on everything that we were introduced onto gets destroyed. It consistently goes back to the performance, of the band which furthermore adds into the genre of rock due to the fact that mostly they would have their band perform, hence showing off the rock genre. At time there are times where the lyrics would match what is shown on the screen, for example when he sings "coming up out of the blue" and then the people in the swimming pool comes out of the water. However, I feel like the music video does not have any connection to the song it self, but this is what makes it a very good due to the fact that it is very out of the ordinary. 


History of Vogue  1892              Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US.  The price was 10 cents.  The meani...