Thursday 2 November 2017

How The Media Mediates News Events


Source: Google
In Daily News we can tell that it is in the left wing as it is not in favor in Brexit. We can infer this by the shocking face of the Queen, by using the Queen's face in the front cover brings the audiences' attention this is due to the fact that the expression of the Queen is shocked. This shocked impression shows us how shocking the facts at the bottom is. The fact that the Queen's face is used could indicate how she is feeling about the Brexit. The second bullet point in the front page of Daily News, really shocks the reader, I think this because the use of "decade" shows how long it is, which makes the audience be shocked and furious at the fact that if Britain does leave the EU the "currency plummets to 3-decade low".  By using the adjective "foolish" indicates how much this angers the writers as well as some other people in Britain. However this adjective "foolish" contrasts with the adjective "wise", because "wise" is known for it being knowledge and good judgement. Daily News is making fun of this fact, i think they are showing the audience that in their opinion they think they know everything, however they don't so they are being called "foolish".  And the fact that this has taken the whole of the front cover shows how important this is for the audience to know these information. The bold writing draws the audiences' eyes as this attracts them.
Source: Google

In this image from the woman's expression you can tell how she feels about the "Birth of a new Britain". The fact that she is staring straight at the camera you can feel the emotion coming towards the viewer, which makes the viewer feel the  pain that is expressed on her face. Also the fact that it is all blurred out and focused on David Cameron's wife's face shows the importance of her expression, as most people do not want Britain to leave the EU, so her expression is almost on behalf of those who wanted to stay in the EU. However unlike the other magazine cover this image is not filled up by the page. This could connote the importance of the brexit.

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