Monday 13 November 2017

Representation: Age


Young People                                                                                  Older People       

  • criminal                                                                                                - slow
  • violent                                                                                                  - racists  
  • greedy                                                                                                  - old fashioned
  • gangs                                                                                                    - isolated
  • easily led                                                                                              - clueless
  • naive                                                                                                     - useless
  • obsessed with :                                                                                     - bitter
  •       social media                                                                                   - sweet + caring
  •       status                                                                                              - bad at technology 
  •       popularity                                                                                       - ugly
  •       image/ appearance                                                                          - senile
  •       sex                                                                                                   - middle class
  • moody                                                                                                    - unconcerned by:
  • lazy                                                                                                              - appearance
  • lack of forward thinking                                                                              - fashion
  • no interact in society                                                                                    - sex
  • no interest in politics                                                                               - right wing
  • if interested then left wing                                                                      -wealthy 
  • doesn't read                                                                                             -nostalgic 
  • attractive                                                                                                 -dependent upon others
  • no respect for elders                                                                               - unhealthy 
  • good at:                                                                                                  - about to die
  •       technology
  •       creative arts 
  •       sports
  • strong(men)


                                                            Young People

In this trailer there are certain things that are stereotyped about young people, and there also some things that are shown about the stereotypical view of gender. In the trailer you can see that all the young people are using technology therefore linking to the fact that all young people are good at technology, this shown when the people were recording the race with their phones. In this trailer you can see that it shows the stereotypical view of how young women are represented, they are under dressed and attractive. Also the stereotypical view of young men they all seem to be interested in cars, and girls(sex) they are fighting over a girl. All of the men looks stereo-typically strong apart from the 'nerds'. They also use a lot of violence, guns, explosions, physical fighting etc... The people in this trailer do not seem to care much about things, apart from partying, this is a stereotypical view of teenagers who do not seem to care about anything apart from partying.

The Old

Dr Beverly Hofstadter is subverting the stereotypical view of old people. This is because she is smart, not clueless. And she is not slow at all, overall she is subverts how old people are. In this video you can see that she is not good at showing affection to her son, if you watch the show you would know that she does not show any motherly love to her son as she neglects her son for work. You could also link her to how she subverts the gender roles, as she cares about work more than housework etc... she is not the typical mother that we see on TV. It also seems like she has control in her relationships , which makes her different to the other women who does not have control and let the men have power in the relationship. Overall you can see that the producers has presented her as not being the sweet and caring but as the opposite, which adds humor into it.

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