Thursday 5 October 2017

What Women Are Seen As

Women in general are seen to be objects. This is shown in TV adverts, music videos. An example of this is Asda's Christmas advert, and Blurred Lines from Robin Thicke.

In the music video - Blurred Lines

The lyrics- Not full lyrics

Tried to domesticate you---> The stereotypical women who stays in the house and do the housework
But you're an animal----> This contrasts with 'domesticate'

That man is not your mate---> Very possessive 
And that's why I'm gon' take you --->This shows that women are easy to take, this also shows that they have no say whether she wants to go with person.
Good girl!
I know you want it---> The repetition shows that he is trying to convince the women that she wants it
I know you want it
I know you want it

You're a good girl!---> In the end the men won
Can't let it get past me---> This shows that he is in control

I hate these blurred lines!---> This could suggest that he is confused, maybe between whether he wants to be like this the stereotypical men or the nice and respecting men.
I know you want it---> There is repetition again this shows that he is still trying to convince the women, maybe to make him not feel guilty of what he is doing.
I know you want it 
I know you want it

You the hottest bitch in this place!---> This shows that women are judged only by their looks. By using the word "bitch" shows that women in their eyes are not seen as human but an animal.

Get down---> This sound imperative, like the women has no choice of what she wants to do. In the music video it seemed like Thicke was pushing the woman down. This demonstrated the way women is treated by men.
Get up

Go ahead, get at me---> This almost sounds like a threat like a dare.


Asda's Christmas Advert - 2012

The mother in this advert is doing everything in the house. This shows the stereotypic housewife/ mother who stays in the house, and cooks and cleans. And when you look at the father, the only thing he is used for is physical use another stereotypical view of men. At the start of the advert the father was choosing a tree but the mother said no, this shows that the women always takes in charge of everything, this also connotes the stereotypical view of how most of the decision making comes from the women in the relationship. Going back to the mother, the director only shows one second of her having a break with tea and chocolates. The symbolism of the chocolate is very stereotypical to women as women are said to love chocolates. Along with the music it makes it seem very rushed and stressful, it makes the audience feel the rush. When she takes the break the music calms down, which makes the audience feel the relax-ness that the mother is feeling too. Throughout this advert you only see the mother doing every, and when she sits at the dinner table she doesn't get a proper chair. Also, at the dinner table at the head of the table is the father, this shows how he is dominated. At the end of this advert you see the mother give a an expression that she that she is happy with what she has done, this shows that mothers are selfless.

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