Tuesday 4 December 2018

BBC Industry


Commercial Broadcaster :

Commercial broadcaster are programs that are owned by private company. And they air advertisements for profits on the radio.

Public Service :

This is includes the public's interest rather than commercial benefits.

The difference between commercial broadcaster and public service broadcaster is that this Commercial broadcaster is owned by private companies and they gain benefits from the airing adverts to make profits on the radio where as public service is based on the public interest rather than commercial benefits,

Context of BBC

BBC also known as, British Broadcasting Corporation, was founded in 1922. BBC is a public service broadcaster, who are funded by British citizens not by the government. They make money from tv licenses. They was a private company but moved to public service due to the fact that the sales wasn't doing good.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Cross-Platform Marketing  

  • App
  • Radio
  • Online
  • Podcast

BBC Broadcast:

To make this relevant to everybody they broadcast this through shortwave, AM, FM, digital satellite and cable channels.

Film marketing poster


The poster is very dull, with low lighting but with the spot light on the main character. Indicating the genre of the poster which is action. This poster differs to other film posters as this doesn't have the directors name on it just the actor's name written at the top hence, making him the main focus of the poster. The colour theme to this poster is black and white, however the red "chapter 2" shows the importance towards this. The actor is placed in the middle of the poster and he is looking straight at the audience making the viewer feel more involved in this image. This furthermore indicates that he is the main focus. There are a lot of guns pointing at the main actor, this could give to the other audience who doesn't know of what this movie is about a gist of what the movie is about. And the fact that he is isolated and doesn't have anyone around him could connote that this movie is not the same as the others as there would always be a sidekick but he doesn't have one. The low lighting could moreover denote that this is a film noir, as John Wick is a very violent along with their action genre.

In comparison to the first poster this one has more information of the movie as this is the first poster for the first film. The line "don't set him off" could reflect something off the movie and the person holding the gun towards the viewer. This makes the audience feels intimidated by him as he has a straight face and serious and tense atmosphere, it also seems like he is holding the gun to the viewer.  The shallow depth of field in this image makes the main focus of this image the gun whereas in the other poster there are no depth of field and there are other props to make the attention to go to the main actor. The gun is used as the 'o' for the title, making the image link with the poster showing the connection between the two subjects. Compared to the other poster John Wick is holding the gun in the poster for the first movie indicating that he has the power and control. However, in the other poster there he is not holding a gun, this could connote how he has maybe lost the control as all of the guns are now pointing at him instead of him pointing the gun at the viewer.

Monday 3 December 2018

Tide Print Product

Analyse how the technical codes are used to persuade the specific audience at this specific time to buy the product.

This advertisement is aimed at woman in the 1950s, due to the fact that woman in the 1950s were stereotypically described to be housewives this could also be seen as domestic labour. Especially after in WWII the employability rate for women but they would still need to juggle the domestic labour which is not fair to them. However, there is a consumer boom which did lift up the spirt of the women because technology came into light and helped them for example the ESGE mixer and masher and the Miele 155/1 washing machine with mangle. This has aided them a lot as they do not have to spend 4 hours washing clothes by hand they could just put in washing machine making them save time. This is aimed at housewives in America this is demonstrated when they say "No wonder more Tide goes into American homes than any other washday product!" situated in the first bullet point. As America was the first country that was financially stable when the war ended which meant that they could spend a lot of money unlike England who was rationing food and supplies. This could refer back to the 'American dream' which is starting small and then getting big, this is setting the aspirational tone. Britain is in love with the American culture so this could be selling to woman in Britain as well. The layout of this advert is very bright and warm indicating that this is a very positive advertisement. This is also presented by the woman's facial expression which is connoting that she is very happy with the product. As the woman is looking up to the washing detergent this could be suggesting that this is an aspirational aspect that all woman should get this. This could refer back to Barthes for the gesture code, also the woman hugging the product could link back to Barthes theory. This woman could the representation of woman, she is a made up character this could be echoing Hollywood stars. The woman is wearing a headscarf symbol of housewives. This is a hard sell. There is direct address making the audience feel more involved in the advertisement, hence making more personal.  There is a graphic at women at the bottom using tide and telling us what they think of this. And their response is good influencing woman to use this, as other people has used this and it was good. The line at the bottom "TIDE gets clothes cleaner than any other washday product you can buy" by comparing to other washing products this could indicate to the audience that it is much better and it is a revolution just like the technologies that has helped them. The red against the white background makes the writing stand out more making the advertisement more noticeable to the audience. In this advert poster there is not men present in this which furthermore connotes that the audience for this is women.

Bell Hooks- White women fit more into the western ideology. This advert backs this up due to the fact that it only shows white woman in this advert no other races, this furthermore connotes that there 


History of Vogue  1892              Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US.  The price was 10 cents.  The meani...