Tuesday 27 February 2018

Case Study- Straight Outta Compton

The trailer starts off with the scenery, it shows where the place is set, this then gives the audience a sense of feeling of where they are. The first frame shows beautiful palm trees with the good weather, this then contrasts with the next frame which shows crows on pylons, this could foreshadow the bad things that happen in the movie as crows are symbolic for bad things due to happen. From then on there is dark lighting connoting the bad things the will come later on in the play. In the trailer you can see that they sometimes use a narrative to match what is showing on the screen, for example there is shown "got my women and baby living there" by using this gives the audience sympathy since they think that they think that there might be something wrong, and "women and baby" are symbolic to give sympathy and the other one is "staring" this technique further more gives out emphasises on the information that is important to the audience. 

Later on in the movie you see the struggles of the main characters in the movie, this may also show the struggles of how black youth is seen as to be and been treated. They show the stereotypical view of young black people, due to the fact that they use real life things that we all know that young people from the new and social media. This therefore makes this more real life. The trailer then shows a women getting a gun ready, this may go against the stereotypical view of how women is shown, as they show her to be strong willed not weak. They then show an incident of one of the main character with the police, saying that "just trying to get home" from this we can see that he is innocent and hasn't done anything. But due the stereotypical view of young black people the police thinks that he has done something, which makes the audience feel sorry for him. Also the fact that it only shows white cops, furthermore pushes the the stereotype. The policeman says to the mother "i will ruin your life" this sounds like a threat which makes the audience feel like the police is the villain in this movie, the audience automatically despises the polices due to the fact that they go again the main characters here, and later on in the movie. There is then a close up of the main character's face when the cop slams his face to the car, this close up highlights the pain and emotion in his face. In the background there is sirens which connotes the police, as they have that in the background this connotes the fact that young people are associated with the police in a bad way. Until the studio scene, everything was so serious. The studio scene shows how their happiness, their sudden realisation of the talent, shows how this will benefit them later on in the movie. After the studio scene the music changes from a sorrowful music to an upbeat music, which then brings up the atmosphere in the trailer. 

When they have a press conference about the team, the person ask them about the "glamourised gangs and drugs" the fact that they ask about this could connote the fact that thats what they think that young black people are all about. And the fact that a middle aged white man asked this question could connote how people of their age think of the youth. And the person responses with the "our art is the reflection of our reality", he could be saying that on the behalf of all of the people. In my opinion I think that there is a message behind this movie showing what it really is as a young black person. The target audience is people that is around 40 years old. And for people who are into hip hop and rap, and there is mostly aimed at black young people. Around the teenage. Straight after the conference, the music goes back to its sorrowful music, it goes back down to the low beat. This is as soon as the police comes in, this then foreshadows the fact that there will be something bad going on. The producer in the movie claims that the police was "harassing" the main characters, this will deem to be believable due to the fact that people were harassed by police before. And the reason why the police is doing this is "because of what they look like", this furthermore shows how the stereotypical view of young black people are in the eyes of polices. There is then a long shot showing how all of the people are lied down on their bellies in a straight line, this shows that they are treated as a criminal for something they haven't done. After saying something about their "reality", police show up, this could be showing us how the police could be ruining the young lives of black people.

What seem to be a street boy rap group, turned out to be something bigger. They show retaliation against the police, this could be link to the riots. The trailer then ends with them singing, with their logo coming up at the end. In my opinion I think they spent a lot money on this movie, due to the fact that there is loads of cars used and there is the studio where they might have to rent the studio which might have cost a lot. Another reason why I think they spent a lot of money on this is that they had a lot of people in the concert so that would mean they would have paid a lot of money for the people to be there, as well as the lighting in there. The movie is produced my F. Gray Gray, who also produced the 'The Fate of The Furious' in 2017.

Analysing the viral

Here are the ways that 'Straight Outta Compton' went viral:
  • Home pride- Since it has the city of 'Compton' written down in the title. This gave the people who like the movie, a chance to put each of their hometown in this. As shown at the bottom.
  • Humour- In this generations, memes are very popular. Fans has made memes of this which furthermore send a viral view of this, which furthers their marketing and fans.
  • There is also celebrity endorsement, this would moreover makes the fans follow 'Straight Outta Compton'. 

Thursday 22 February 2018

Film Industry

Independent Movie 

Texas Chainsaw Massacare- 1974

This is the original of the Texas Chainsaw, the director of this is Tobe Hooper, he was born in Austin, Texas. In this film there is a very obvious villain and there were possible, and in this movie there are only white people connoting the fact that they were still not in terms with the coloured people. The narrative of this movie is action based, due to the fact that there is a man with a chainsaw attacking people. The production value is low as their budget is seen to be low too.It is set in the countryside where is kind of local this shows that they did not spend a lot of money on the setting, this furthermore makes it realistic making it creepier, and the costumes are all normal clothes yet again they did not spend money on costume. Especially the villain who is wearing a mask that doesn't seem to have much scary effect on it. The cast in this movie are all unknown actors and actress, this furthermore makes it an independent movie. Texas Chainsaw is known to be a classic movie due to the fact that it doesn't follow up with the genres of other horror movie, such as , one of the characters called Sally gives the creepy person a ride and automatically regrets it. Unlike this other horror movies would have them pick up a cursed object etc...Tobe was aiming to have a PG rating as he didn't show the horrifying parts but the aftermath of it, however he got an R rating due to how horrifying it was without showing the gory parts. The trailer starts with saying that "What happened is true" they purposely say this due to the fact that this scares people, this is a typical thing to do in horror movies as they will say that this is a ' true story' which terrifies the audience since they think this may happen and this is not fictional and made up. It starts with a dark tune furthermore connoting the horror in this movie. The first thing we see is action where there is a person running away but has run into the villain. In the background there is a creepy laugh with the image of a skeleton's hand, this slow moving camera moreover adds in the dramatic theme into this. The music in the background sound very mechanic which adds in with the chainsaw concept. As the trailer goes on we see the women getting taken away, by the villain she is consistently screaming which adds in the horror in this, as when she is screaming it makes it scary for them. And then there is a the hanger scene, the audience knows what is going to happen this then horrifies them. The trailer is very fast paced which connotes the pace at which the action is. It then at the end comes up the "how can you stop screaming?" this rhetorical question makes the audience think that they will scream throughout the movie.

The Poltergeist- Comparison 

This is written by the same person as 'Texas Chainsaw Massacare', Tobe Hooper. Unlike the Texas Chainsaw there are more effects shown in this trailer this is could connote the how this is now not an independent movie. They have used a lot of money a lot money due to the fact there is more effects on it then Texas Chainsaw. However, it was said that Tobe Hooper did not really direct the movie as shown is this source http://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3447116/tobe-hooper-pretended-direct-poltergeist-steven-spielberg/. In this trailer there is no sign of the actual thing that is haunting them this adds in the mystery of the haunting.


The Avengers Assemble

This is the first Avengers, this is where all of the superheroes got together to create this team called avengers. This is a Marvel movie, this industry is very popular due to the fact that people are more into the hero villain aspect, there are also superheroes at that is all in one movie which is good for the Marvel fans. This is action based, you can tell that they spent a lot of money on this due to the fact that there are many effects shown in movie as well as the setting must of cost a lot too. There are existing audiences which are the Marvel Fans of the other superheroes movie. In this movie there are obvious stars starring this movie as they were previously successful in their own superhero movie. There are a lot of effects that shows that this is an action movie. Audience are targeted through previous movies, as they will know that their favourite superhero will be playing in this which indicates that they want to watch it. This is continued from their comic books, this therefore adds into their previous fans who likes the fact that there are movies on them, because the generation now is not is not into books as much as the other generation. This generation is more technology based, so movies will appeal to their target audience.

Friday 9 February 2018

Case Study- Assassins Creed 3 Liberation


The genre of this game is RPG, role playing game. Where you are playing the avator of a female character who has multiple personas such as Assassin, Slave, Lady. The lady persona is a stereotypical representation of ladies, the lady mode is where she flirts with people to get what she wants and she has no physical strengths like the Assassins which breaks out from the stereotypical view of women especially since this game is based in New Oreleans in the 1700s. The fact that the main avator of this game is a black female character, they have involved slavely which could be seen as offensive but then this could link to the fact that she saves them, furthermore the game liberation could be linked to the film ' 12 years of slave'.  The goal of this game is to free the slaves which furthermore links to the movie ' 12 years of slaves'.  This a narrative game where you have to free the slaves in order to save them. There is a backstory in this game which tells the player what is going on and has the idea of what they should be doing. Also this makes the player feel like they are in the game themselves due to the fact that they can put themselves into the character know what she is thinking, feeling etc...
They then went onto doing another series that was called 'HD' version. In this version there are some things that disappeared for example there are some puzzle games that was removed. This game has the same element of the sort that you have to save the slaves. But there are more updated version as in the scenery is more noticeable especially in the trailer you will see that there are more images of the landscape and this shows they (the productions) are happy with that unlike in the first trailer there was much on that there was more on the avator and itself.

Case Study - Pokemon


The goal of this game is to catch all of the Pokemon, in order to finish the game. As you can see from the image above there are a squeals of this game. The platform of this game was originally on the Game Boy, there are also spinoffs on the Nintendo DS, due to the fact that it was published by Nintendo. The squeals furthermore carried on to Gold and Silver version as shown below.

The Sliver version is carried on from the Gold version. This is the blurb 'Enter a whole new world, with new Pokémon to capture, train and battle! Meet Professor Elm and get the all-new Poke gear, including map, radio, cell phone and clock. Set the clock then watch as day turns to night and events take place in real time— and be sure to keep an eye out for Pokémon that come out only at night!' The fact that it is based on the "real time" makes it more real which could link to the augmented reality where they would feel like they are in the game which would make more life like 

This is the most recent one that has come out. This was released in Japan in 2000 and in America in 2001. This changes that this has compared to the others is that there was an option of which you could play as a girl. And you were able to go in the Kanto Region, which is a town in the Pokemon series. There were new features such as you could get this on mobile devices called 'Pokemon Mobile System' however due to the lack of children without phones Nintendo decided to shut it down due to the lack of profit making in 2002. The difference between all of the Pokemon games is that they are based in different regions and the Pokémons in them. Each Pokemon game has introduced a separate region from the previous, along with new Pokémons native to that region. 

The TV show first came out in the 1st April 1997. This TV show is still on going this suggest the big imapact that they had on people and their childhood or still now there are currently 20 seasons.  There other series that goes under Pokemon such as the series of the Pokemon chronicles. This is a spinoff from the original Pokemon series.
As you can see this is different from the original but there still element that are the same such as the fighting against bad villains and bad Pokemons

Sunday 4 February 2018



In my opinion this image could connote the challenging and evolving of disability. I think this because disabled people were allowed to work in factories in 1982, this shows the fact that before then it was hard for disabled people to have jobs until then. However, the other magazine shows disability in a challenging way therefore this could connote that nothing has changed since 1982 to 2013. ‘The Informer’ shows how they don’t get much information indicating that they are somehow not involved in the society. And this limits their surroundings. Due to the hypodermic needle, these newspapers make us the viewer feel sympathetic towards the disabled people.
The media presents disabled people through many different ways now. Such as there is a whole TV show based on disabled people and their stories that made them successful, the title of this show is “Superhumans” it depicts the kind of image channel 4 is trying to show. They are showing that disabled people are not people that are unable to do things, they can be heroes. In the advert it shows all the kind of ways that people that are disabled doing what they can do which is going along with the music at which says “Yes, I can” this is showing that they can do things that other people can do. It all starts off with a positive showing the audience what disabled people are cable of, then it shows a wheel chair teenage boy in a careers and the man said” no you can’t” shows how disabled people are finding it difficult to find jobs. But it shows him playing basketball which is positive which makes the audience feel happy that he is determined.  However, this advert didn’t show the mental disability which is seen to be “invisible”.


History of Vogue  1892              Arthur Baldwin Turnure was the founder of vogue in the US.  The price was 10 cents.  The meani...