Sunday 4 February 2018



In my opinion this image could connote the challenging and evolving of disability. I think this because disabled people were allowed to work in factories in 1982, this shows the fact that before then it was hard for disabled people to have jobs until then. However, the other magazine shows disability in a challenging way therefore this could connote that nothing has changed since 1982 to 2013. ‘The Informer’ shows how they don’t get much information indicating that they are somehow not involved in the society. And this limits their surroundings. Due to the hypodermic needle, these newspapers make us the viewer feel sympathetic towards the disabled people.
The media presents disabled people through many different ways now. Such as there is a whole TV show based on disabled people and their stories that made them successful, the title of this show is “Superhumans” it depicts the kind of image channel 4 is trying to show. They are showing that disabled people are not people that are unable to do things, they can be heroes. In the advert it shows all the kind of ways that people that are disabled doing what they can do which is going along with the music at which says “Yes, I can” this is showing that they can do things that other people can do. It all starts off with a positive showing the audience what disabled people are cable of, then it shows a wheel chair teenage boy in a careers and the man said” no you can’t” shows how disabled people are finding it difficult to find jobs. But it shows him playing basketball which is positive which makes the audience feel happy that he is determined.  However, this advert didn’t show the mental disability which is seen to be “invisible”.

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