Monday 25 June 2018

Luther + The Fall

Comparison of 'Luther' and 'The Fall' 

Episode 1

In 'Luther' the first episode starts off with going straight to the action whereas in 'The Fall' it starts off with a slow start, as the main character is packing her suitcase. The main characters in both 'Luther' and 'The Fall', don't have their faces shown till later in the show, the audience is firstly shown either the victim or the criminal. However, in 'Luther' the detective's face is shown much faster than 'The Fall' where the detective's face is shown halfway into the TV show. 'The Fall' is different compared to 'Luther' due to the fact that the audience is introduced to the victim first and then the criminal. The audience gets to know the story of the criminal and the victim before the viewer gets to know the investigator who is the main character in the TV show, all the audience knows is that she is packing. Unlike in 'The Fall' where the audience is introduced to the investigator later in the show, 'Luther' is introduced within 4 minutes of the show. 'Luther' starts off with a long shot of a dark mysterious building. With a dark noise in the background, giving off a suspenseful atmosphere as well as the theme thriller/ horror. The pair starts with a dark atmosphere, which is connoted by the dark lighting, that both TV shows portray. In 'Luther', there are quick transitions between each frames, this could be reflecting the action which is the investigator chasing the criminal. This could also be reflecting on the criminal, as he could be feeling under pressure as the investigator gets closer and closer. Whereas, in 'The Fall', it starts off very slowly reflecting how the criminal takes his time, stalking his prey. The investigator in 'Luther', breaks the stereotypical view of detectives in TV crime dramas. This is due to the fact that he is black male taking the main role as the detective. Similarly, to 'Luther', 'The Fall' breaks the stereotype due to the fact that the main character is a female women playing the dominant figure in the TV drama. In 'Luther' the episode starts off with getting the audience right in the middle of a chase and investigation. This shows the audience how good of an investigator he is, as he is chasing after the criminal with no back up, just him and the criminal. However, in 'The Fall' we don't really see the investigator that much in action apart from her taking notes. The investigator feels like an outsider due to the fact that she is from another country and that she doesn't live in a house, but in a hotel. Unlike, in 'Luther' he has a house, he has people that care about him. This is demonstrated when everyone in the office welcomes back Luther with a banner and a welcome back mug. In both TV show in the first episode, they don't do the 'whodunnit?' aspect. The audience knows who is the criminal is. Especially in 'The Fall', where we get to know who the criminal is. The shocking aspect of this is that the criminal has a family, and when the criminal is greeted by his son when he comes back from breaking into the house of the person who he wants to kill. 

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