Thursday 27 September 2018


Brief: Television

  • Filming location- My filming location would be in the school theatre. I need to ask the person in charge if I could use it. I need to find a timing that everyone is free including the audience, I think I would either do this at after school or lunch time. As for my second location I would like to film the interviews outside or in home. I need make sure that the people who are volunteering to be in this media project are willing to do all of the things that are required to do as there is some things that may be embarrassing.  Health and safety issues, will include the trophy that would be on something bright and gold to make it appealing.
  • Story Board- --> Host= Rhys--> Contestent= Quako

Audience List
  1. Sophie 
  2. Mateena 
  3. Lydia
Elf on the shelf
Vines - describe the meme or make impression
got my berries
asdv movies

  • Construction Of Narrative-  The disruption the game show would be the each round each player gets eliminated. This would therefore makes conflict between each player as they are trying to win the £500. The resolution of this game is that someone will win at the end of the show. I have chosen to do this as there might not be anyone who would do something like this also it will be funny and fun to create.
  • Camera Shot List- Middle shot for the interviews. There would be a variety of shots when filming the game show. I would have long shot with as this is the optimum shot for having all of the players in there. However when the players are doing their rounds I would have middle shot as well as close up shot on the players to show their emotion/ determination to win the £500.
  • List Of Sounds- The diegetic sounds I would  be using are when the audience would be clapping, shouting and oohing, and when the players are speaking. The non-diegetic sounds would be the theme tune which I would have to make to override some parts of the show, to make it more like a game show. I would also have sound effects to make it more of a game show.
  • Editing- I would have quick transitions between scenes to convey the comedy aspect of the show.


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